Advanced Pest Control Systems

Summer Pest Control Tips

The weather here in St. Louis is warming up, and that means pests like bugs and rodents will be looking for ways to escape the heat and find the food and water they need to survive. The first place they’ll head is your home — make sure you’re not putting out the welcome mat for them and instead employ these summer pest control tips.


Seal the Gaps

Think about even the smallest pests in your home, like ants or spiders. It doesn’t take much space for them to crawl through, and right into the house. Bigger gaps can let in disease-carrying rodents and stinging insects. Thoroughly inspect the outside of your home and especially around doors and windows; you may need to use caulk or weatherstripping to seal up any holes. Swap out broken window screens that are torn and exterior storm doors that may not close fully and securely.


Keep It Clean

Just like everyone in your family knows that the kitchen is the place to go for something to eat and drink, so too do pests. The crumbs from breakfast or the spills your kids forgot to clean up are like a buffet for bugs who are looking for their next meal. Make it a daily habit to clean your kitchen, wipe up any moisture, and to take out the trash regularly. Store your food in bags and containers that can be fully closed — and that includes pet food, too. Don’t overlook keeping your bathrooms clean and dry also.



Get Rid of Water

We’re already starting to spend more time outside entertaining and enjoying the weather, so make sure that mosquitoes don’t invite themselves along for the fun. Female mosquitos love standing water because it’s the perfect place for them to lay their eggs. Check your yard for pools that collect in the ground, patio furniture, playground equipment, or around outbuildings or decks. Flowerpots and gardening tools (like wheelbarrows) also need to be emptied of excess water.


Don’t Overlook Landscaping

Although not everyone wants to spend their weekends taking care of the yard, a little landscaping goes a long way when it comes to keeping pests at bay. Tall grass, overgrown shrubs, and wildflowers that have gone rampant create the perfect shelter for pests, especially when they don’t have to travel far to get into your home and reach food and water. Regular mowing and a little bit of TLC to your flower beds and bushes will make your yard a little less hospitable.


Learn What to Look For

Some pests stick around the St. Louis area all year, but some show up on a seasonal basis. Knowing what to watch out for will give you a better idea of how to protect your home from infestation.

  • Ants: Ants are not uncommon in any part of the country, but you’ll see them more often after the rainy season. During extended periods of moisture, ants have to come out from the saturated underground to survive. Once they’ve made it in, they can find almost anything to eat along with several water sources like your kitchen or bathroom. Who would want to leave that to go back to the soggy ground?
  • Mosquitoes: There’s nothing worse than spending a lovely evening around the firepit only to come inside and start itching, but sometimes — many times — sprays, lotions, and candles don’t work to keep these bugs at bay and we get buzzed at and bitten. While they’re annoying at the least, mosquitoes are also known for carrying harmful diseases that can make your family and even pets sick.
  • Ticks: As you and your pets spend more time outdoors, it’s important to understand why you need to protect everyone. The most common tick-borne illnesses in the St. Louis area are Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Always cover as much of your skin as possible when trekking outdoors and make sure your pets are up to date on their tick treatments.



Call in the Pros

The best way to help control pests in your home is by working with a professional pest control team. From start to finish, they’ll be able to identify any areas around and in your home that may make it vulnerable to infestation. The professionals will also be able to offer more actionable advice and suggest treatments that are best for your property. 

We can treat the bugs already living in and around your home and implement ways to prevent them from coming back. Our regular maintenance services mean your home and your family will be in good hands! Get in touch to schedule an appointment.