Advanced Pest Control Systems

How to Know If You Have a Pest Problem

A bug here and there inside your Greater St. Louis home or business may not seem like a big deal, but the truth is that it could be a sign of a significant pest problem. Knowing what signs to look out for will alert you that it’s time to call in pest control professionals.


These are the pests that nobody likes to talk about having, but if you end up with a cockroach infestation, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad housekeeper by any means. The most common cockroach in the Greater St. Louis area is the German cockroach, but the American and Oriental types are also frequently seen. German cockroaches grow to about an inch long and are light brown or tan with two black stripes on their back. They have six legs, a pair of antennae, and wings rarely ever used to fly.

Cockroaches are social insects that live together in colonies, so there will never be just one roach hanging around your house — where there’s one, there are many. They scavenge daily for food and water and like to hide in the dark, sheltered areas of your home. Cockroaches also leave evidence through droppings in the areas where they eat and live. Their feces are small and brownish. Also, keep your eye out for egg casings. Female roaches carry them around for a few days after their offspring hatches.


While not as active during the winter as in the summer, ants can be a nuisance to your home or business all year long. Before the infestation is the nesting, which can happen in your home or nearby, so take some time to seal up any cracks or crevices that head straight inside. Once they come in, ants will first find the kitchen, and if it’s full of crumbs or open food containers, they’ll never leave. Make sure you’re making a habit of cleaning off counters and sweeping floors, and keeping food (pet and human) closed and sealed.

Ants leave scent trails for others in their colonies to follow, and once you start seeing those trails, you know there’s an infestation. Follow these trails because they’ll lead directly to colonies in and around your home. Do some searching and take note of these colonies because you’ll need to get rid of them eventually. You can also find DIY baits, traps, and sprays that will keep ants away temporarily, but they’re not a permanent solution.


The first step towards preventing and treating termites is figuring out if you have a problem in the first place. You’ll rarely see a single termite wandering your home. They won’t come out of their underground home unless they’re swarming. Often, homeowners don’t know that there is a termite infestation before irreversible damage has been done.

The best and easiest way to prevent termite damage in your home? Eliminate their food source! Look into wood pretreatment to act as a deterrent deep inside lumber used for new construction; this will take care of drywood termites. There’s also soil pretreatment options for areas of your property that come into direct contact with timber (think: your outdoor wooden deck or patio.)

Give Us a Call

No one wants to think about residential pest control services. It’s not exactly a fun topic of conversation either. While insects and vermin are an inescapable part of the outdoors, thinking about them inside the home is downright unpleasant. There’s nothing more frustrating than creepy crawlies and critters living in your home, and you shouldn’t have to deal with it. That’s why you call on the professionals at PestShield to remove them quickly and efficiently.

If you still see signs of a pest infestation, it’s time to ask for professional help. At PestShield, we offer customized services to meet the pest problem you are facing. Whatever your situation is, we will leave you with a clean, pest-free home you can feel good about. Don’t waste time on ineffective pest control measures. Go straight to the professionals at PestShield for serious pest control services to bring you peace of mind and a pest-free home. Contact us today to get a free quote for residential services!