Advanced Pest Control Systems

A Guide to Ticks and Preventing Them

While tick bites are generally harmless and cause very minor symptoms, here’s a scary statistic: There were over 50,000 cases of tick-borne illnesses reported to the CDC in 2019. Ticks are not only a nuisance, but they can also make your family and pets very sick.

Why Are Ticks Dangerous? 

Lyme disease is by far the most common tick-related disease. 

“Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.”

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is also another disease that can be spread through a tick bite and can be deadly if left untreated. American dog, deer, and lone star ticks are among the most problematic of the tick species in the US. 

Where Are Ticks Found?

Ticks are usually found in wooded or grassy areas and most species need the blood of mammals to survive. They attach to their host to feed, requiring a meal of blood at each stage of their lives (egg, larval, nymph, adult). Their mouthparts embed into the host and must be removed and the bite must be treated as soon as possible. The first sign of an infestation is seeing ticks in and around your home. You may also not know that you have a tick problem until illness sets in.

How Can Tick Bites Be Prevented?

Ticks love wood piles, grassy areas, rodent nests, and bird nests, making them prime real estate for infestation. Keep your property well-maintained with trimmed grass and piles of firewood located away from where your family and pets play outside. 

You should also be proactive when it comes to pest control by professionals. Here’s what to expect when they visit:

Inspect and identify: A pest control professional will inspect your property’s exterior and possibly the interior. They’ll be able to spot areas of trouble and identify what species of ticks could be causing that trouble.

Education: Your pest control professional will provide plenty of education on the best way to avoid and prevent tick infestations and what to do in case of a tick bite. They can also show you how to identify ticks on your own.

Modification suggestions: You may need to make a few changes to your property to better protect your family. Your pest control professional can offer these suggestions, such as removing lawn debris or firewood that provides tick habitats.

Chemical application: If necessary, your pest control professionals can administer more traditional chemical-based treatment depending on what they find. If you have in-wall pest control, the professional will use that to administer pest control treatment.

Can I DIY Tick Prevention?

For a time, it may seem like you can handle pest and vermin issues alone. Hardware stores and grocery store shelves are filled with sprays, powders, and traps—all claiming the best at solving your biggest bug problems. Why not just use these remedies to kill off any winged, flying, or furry intruders? Problem solved, or is it really?

What often happens is they keep coming back. Every year like clockwork, the same army of pests will show up at your door. Some of those pests include spiders, cockroaches, ants, mice, and rats. Not the kind of housemates you have in mind!

Whatever you do to get rid of these pests, using store-bought remedies doesn’t work for the long term. Store-bought pest control products are designed to take care of issues in the short term and are usually not very effective. Plus, the SMELL and the TOXINS—no homeowner enjoys the fragrance of over-the-counter bug spray.

When ticks are around, the health of your family and pets is on the line. Our PestShield professionals get to the root of the problem, destroying pests where they breed without damaging your home. They’ll get rid of your pest problem, and they’ll prevent them from coming back — contact us today to get started!